Sunday, December 15, 2019

Zero-greatest innovation

Ancient India has invented so many things with their own ideas and these ideas have led to many greatest developments and growth in India. Starting from Ayurveda to buttons......the inventions are always fascinating and amazing which led to tremendous growth in many sectors and industries. Likewise here is an other interesting invention done by ancient India and without this there cannot be further development in that field. is the invention of zero and without this the expansion of number system is impossible.

Zero is fully developed in India around the 5th century A.D. Mathematicians struggled to perform the simplest arithmetic calculations before the invention of zero. Indian zero is widely seen as one if the greatest innovations and is the cornerstone of modern mathematics and physics plus the spin-off technologies.

The first number system was invented by Sumerians. The Sumerian system passed through the Akkadian Empire to Babylonians around 300 B.C. Later, Mayans found zero which was not able to use to solve equations and arithmetic operations instead they were able to use in calendars.

It was in India that zero was found as a number and was able to use in mathematical problems and equations. The ancient India so called cultural antecedents invented the mathematics zero digit. According to a hypothesis, Mathematical zero was called 'shunya' in sanskrit may have arisen from the contemporaneous philosophy of emptiness of shunyata. 

Zero and its operation are first defined by Brahmagupta in 628. According to University of Oxford an inscription on a temple located in Gwalior, India dates back to ninth century and has been considered the oldest record example. Bhakshali manuscripts are considered as  greatest breakthroughs in the history of mathematics where it depicts the presence of zero in ancient India thus proving the fact that zero as a mathematical number is invented in India.

India has not only made inventions in cloth, dyes, games, health and exercise, it also made amazing inventions in field of mathematics and science thus proving that ancient India had some knowledge or vision about the future world.


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