Sunday, December 15, 2019

Wash it well

Soaps and Detergents are chemical compound or mixture of compounds used as a cleansing agent. Soap is a sodium salt or potassium salt of many combinations of fatty acids having cleansing action in water in day today life cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives. By safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, they help us to stay healthy, care for our homes and possessions, and make our surroundings more pleasant but depending upon the chemical product soap is also a dangerous thing.

Saponification of fats and oils is the most widely used soap-making process. Some soap is used up by reacting with hard water minerals to form the film. This reduces the amount of soap available for cleaning. Even when clothes are washed in soft water, some hardness minerals are introduced by the soil on clothes. Soap molecules are not very versatile and cannot be adapted to today’s variety of fibers, washing temperatures and water conditions.

A detergent is an effective cleaning product because it contains one or more surfactants. Because of their chemical makeup, the surfactants used in detergents can be engineered to perform well under a variety of conditions. Such surfactants are less sensitive than soap to the hardness minerals in water and most will not form a film.Detergents are commonly used in products for personal hygiene, dish washing, and laundry. They are also used as ingredients in antiseptic agents, dry-cleaning solutions, lubricating oils, and gasoline.

Due to the surface tension soap molecules can make Bubbles.bubbles  are made of a thin layer of water, sandwiched between two layers of soap molecules. You can make giant bubbles by mixing these ingredients together

Soap usually comes in a solid, molded form, called a bar, based on its typical shape. The use of thick liquid soap has also become widespread, especially from soap dispensers in washrooms

- Anandhi M

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