Saturday, December 14, 2019


Out of many discoveries made in India, Yoga has a separate base and stands unique in India. In today's generation people around the world realized the significance of yoga and started to learn yoga at any cost. It is a natural process which doesn't need any equipments and has to be practiced regularly to get its immense benefits.

Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in India. Origins date back to Rigveda developed around sixth and fifth centuries ancient ascetic and sramana movements. There is no specific origin other than ancient India. There were many ideologies saying that the yoga was originated from the Indus Valley civilization (3300-1900 BCE), pre vedic, Eastern states of India, Vedic period (1500-500 BCE) and the sramana movement. Shiva is seen as first yogi or Adi yogi and the first guru or the Adi guru.

Many seals and fossil remains depicts many yoga motives which is found in Indus Saraswati Valley civilization which signifies the presence of yoga in India.


Asana is a body posture, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose and extended hatha yoga and modern yoga, etc.

Many asanas and exercises are there in yoga. For example Dhanurasana, Suryanamaskar, Shanthiasana, Chakrasana, Padmasana, etc.



It is also known as salutation to sun. Suryanamaskar is practiced in yoga as exercise incorporating a sequence of some twelve linked asanas. This exercise is dedicated to Hindu god Surya. Suryanamaskar helps to lose weight, battles insomnia, brings down blood sugar levels, etc.



Combination of breath, yoga poses and meditation. Shantiasana helps in healing through concentration, consciousness and awareness in our body. It helps a person to relax, calm down and makes a person feel energetic and positive vibrations. 

Yoga is a natural way of keeping our body relaxed and healthy. It takes a longer period to feel its benefits and once the practice is broken it also causes many body pains. 



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