Sunday, December 15, 2019

Go from flat to fluffy........

Being one of the oldest civilizations in the world, complete with rich culture and history. Many inventions have come out of India from button, yoga, diamond among them is "shampoo".

That bottle of shampoo that sits in our bathroom originated out of a need to clean one's hair. Indeed we have to thank India for a shampoo which was invented in 1762 in the Mughal Empire and used as a head massage made with natural oils and herbs

The word  "shampoo" is derived from the Hindi word champo or champna meaning "to stamp or knead". It is a hair care product used for the removal of oils, dirt, dandruff that gradually build up in hair.

Shampoo originally meant head massage in several North Indian languages. Both the word and the concept were introduced to Britain from colonial India. In the 1900s the meaning of the word shifted from the sense of massage to that of applying soap to the hair. Originally soap and shampoo were similar products both containing surfactants (a type of detergent).

During the early stages of shampoo, English hair stylists boiled shaved soap in water and added herbs to give the hair shine and fragrance. Kasey Hebert was the first known maker of shampoo.

- Lakshmi Priya K

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